Trends Inspiring Us: Minimal Meets Bold Colors
You've probably already seen it everywhere: pops of colors jumping out you on your Instagram feed, on your TV, and even on the shelves of your grocery store. The bold colors from the 70's are making a reappearance everywhere, with a modern twist. The key to making this trend work is to keep the rest of the design minimal, to keep the visuals clutter-free.
Some smart ways to integrate bold colors into your designs are:
Thinking about shapes. Whether it's an abstract blob to a simple line, color can be playfully introduced into a design with some tasteful shapes. Just be careful not to overdo it with the number of shapes. As always, simplicity is key!
Canada Broadcasting Corporation 1974-1975 Annual Report by Burton Kramer
Hyperloop by Alessandro Scarpellini
Fading it in. Many designs utilize gradients to bring in a wash of bright colors and to symbolize different kinds of blends and transitions. These color transitions can be more extreme going from one color to a completely different color, or they can be more subtle going from two different tones of the same color, to add dimension in a subtle way. If done right, this technique can make a brand feel more elegant and refined by moving it away from the dreaded “rough draft” look of having completely flat colors which often make a brand look unfinished. This style was done in the 70s more to showcase the fancy technology of printing and painting in multiple colors, however now we go back to it to deliver more conceptual ideas in a visual way and to give an impression of iridescent vibrancy to a forward-thinking brand.
Projekt No. 3, 1972 by Roslaw Szaybo
Bermellon by Anagrama
Duotoning your images. If your design has imagery, why not try duotoning it? This popular trend directs attention to your colorful choice of imagery. Keep the rest of the design simple with minimal colors and font choices, and you already have an eye-catching design.
Spotify by Spotify
Here are a few of our favorite client projects where we've already begun utilizing the "minimal meets bright colors" trend.